Saturday, September 27

New Christmas Card...

This is one of my Christmas images~

Creative Papers by C.R.Gibson
made these beautiful cards!
The "light" has gold foil ~
spreading out with tone on tone
blue glitter to make the stars sparkle.

The scan below is the inside of the card...
I doodled on everything growing up!
In high school it was my dream
to have greeting cards~
What a HUGE be able to share
the talents I've been given~
In such a personal way...

Hope you like them!


  1. Michelle,
    I know what cards I will be using this year. How beautiful. I can't imagine how you must feel!!! To have your life long dream come true, and to glorify God. I can't wait to see more of your work.
    Love, Debra

  2. Hi Debra~ You're so sweet!!
    You're on your way, too! Thanks so much for your nice note...
    I LOVE the gifts & talents God has given me...and it is SOOOO cool when a company puts His words on my designs. I struggled with how to serve Him with my art for years~ I have fun! It's not work! Thankfully, we have a fantastic group of pastors that helped me understand that by using the gifts He gave me...I was serving him, glorifying His name~
    The only thing I truly wish I could have~ would be for my dad to have seen all this. He was my best friend, died of cancer a week before I turned 13.
    There wasn't any indication that I had will be a joy to see him in heaven and tell him all about this journey!
    Hope your Sunday is wonderful~
    Will write again soon!

  3. Michelle,
    You are also being used in my life...
    I have struggled with using whatever talent I have, (and I know it needs refining)to serve Him. So thank you again for your kind words.
    My Daddy is in heaven too, from cancer.
    I was only 4 & 1/2 years old-but we were very close.

    God bless!
    Love, Debra

  4. Debra~
    Thank you for sharing...cancer is such a nasty disease. :( You were very young~
    On this misty, rainy day we went to lunch & I stopped by an art store to purchase some acrylic inks. In college I used them as a resist...some where in my studio I'm going to make a small space to experiment & see how it works on Tyvek. Have you ever tried it?
    I'll make a step by step on my blog~ Tyvek is a neat "surface" to experiment with...very pretty textures.
    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  5. I am interested in ordering some of your beautiful christmas cards with the gold star over Bethlehem on the outside, and "Rejoice in this season of blessings" on the inside. Can you tell me how/where I can find these card?

