Thursday, September 4

Traces of Laces...

I pulled out some of my fancy lace today. My dear friend Diane Knott had shared a huge bag of gorgeous pieces with me...I don't want to use it up! (Pack Rat!) A few small projects are waiting for finishing touches~ lace will be the perfect detail! I've been working on some spec designs during the day...scooting outdoors on these warm, sunny days for a little fun in the gardens...and crafting somewhere in between. There seems to be so much time in the day with the kids back in school...(miss them so!)
The bird earrings will make sweet details on the craft projects, too~ Just have to figure out how to attach them! They were a "find" at $1.25 at an antique co-op! They remind me of birds that I loved as a child. They perched on the barbed wire fencing that bordered our yard along one side and the back. When they flew off they had the sweetest call. I can still hear it, however I can't identify it. Up until I was in college...a bird was a bird. I don't recognize that sweet "Litchfield bird" call from any of the birds around our home. I have a bird book with a disc that describes their calls...maybe I'll listen to it while I paint BIRDS tomorrow! I'll let'cha know if I fall asleep listening!


  1. My mom and my aunt were fabric packrats. Mom had a bumper sticker that said "the one who dies with the most fabric wins". I guess you can change the wording to "lace". How sweet of Diane to share her treasures with you!

  2. Michelle, I LOVE what you have done to store the laces on the antique spools!! You're a genius! And you don't have to tuck them away in a drawer because they are fantastic as "art" to display! Gorgeous!

    And all the little do-dads in the top photo, birds, tags, pretty! I love that aged look you do so well.


    PS: Everybody, Michelle shared lots of HER pretty laces with me too!

  3. Ohhhh Nola...the bumper sticker statements I should have plastered on my bumper! LOL I'm sure my husband would have a few funny ones to add!
    :)My mom would add, "If it's junk...and it's cheap...she'll make something with it!" Gotta laugh...
    What would your bumper sticker say?

  4.'re a gem!
    Last night, at this thrift boutique...remember when Holly was little, the fluffy~ wool-like yarn that had a twist to it? I found some in gold and rust color! (how those 70's colors come back!) The memories it brought back! For a quarter...we grabbed them up for a neat detail on a fall design. They'll add that "aged look" ~ funny that some company hasn't started reproducing it.
    Thanks for your note!
