Thursday, September 4

Christmas Cards...

Yes! It's drawing close...
We love fall and all of the amazing things this season brings...but Christmas is one of our favorites! These are three of our cards available this year through Christian book stores or Dickson's Gifts. How fun!


  1. These are all so sweet!! You know I love your bird images! ;-)


  2. Thanks Diane!
    Something about birds~ today a chickadee was climbing the screen on one of my studio windows. "Let me in! Let me in!" Little does the feathered dear know...our three cats were in pounce mode...just waiting!

  3. Michelle, your comment about the chickadee on your window screen made me laugh. Today I was watching a grasshopper slowly make it's way across a window screen. A short while later I looked over and there was a cute little bird clinging to the screen... no grasshopper! Hmmm... wonder where he ended up? lol

  4. Oooooh! LOL...
    I wonder what my chickadee was up to? I'll pretend it was saving me from a spider trying to get in! ha! ha!
    Thanks for the big smile & great laugh!
