Saturday, August 16

Western Journey~

Hello, Sweet Friends!
Hope your summer has been filled with relaxation, joy....
Laughter and fantastic memories~

Traveled across through this beautiful country with our daughter...
From New York to Arizona!

She will soon be starting classes 'Out West!'

We have family in Arizona...
It is so much fun to explore when you're with people who can
share in similar interests and find their way back home!

We lost a few hubcaps in three different states...
Broke down in Illinois due to a rusted radiator hose clamp...
We had brown dust on our car from the East.
Golden-brown dust on our car...
Red dust on our car...
The torrential rains from wild storms washed some of it away!
Met the most AMAZING people along our journey!

Enjoyed seeing the desert and its inhabitants...
The flowers...
Saguaros, prickly pear, barrel cactus~ so many more!

The days were filled with gorgeous landscapes...
Laughter, reflection, old memories & new memories with Alaina!
The colors are so inspiring!

Although I left our girl in the West to learn, grow & follow her dreams~
I brought home a vision of new colors!
A rich palette!

When the desert shares colors---
They are unfiltered!
They are brilliant!
They are rich!

On one of my last days in the desert it was 117 degrees~
It went down to 50 degrees here last night!

The most amazing journey with the most wonderful girl!
I'm so thankful we made it across the miles safe & sound.
So thankful to have seen more of America~ how I love this land!
It was a joy to meet beautiful and kind people at every stop~
Off the beaten path is filled with wonder!

Hope your day finds you exploring~
My studio 'needs exploring!' 
What a mess!

Wishing your heart joy~


  1. What a great summer you have had. I know what you mean by the colour of the dessert. Here in Australia, our soil is so red and the colour of the flora looks wonderful against it.
    Hugs Kay

  2. I'm so glad to see your post! I was thinking I hadn't seen a post by you in a while! Glad all is well, and that you had a wonderful time. Can't wait to see some paintings from your new colors!

  3. Ah yes, It is a great land! Things our west are so different. I went back to my home state of Colorado a few years back, and it is a totally different landscape from the Southeast; beautiful in it's own way.. just as the deserts of Arizona are. Gives you a fresh perspective, doesn't it?!

  4. Oh...I wonder if the red dirt was from Oklahoma?? It is a pretty red that we have here, you know...and it glows when the sun sets against it! Sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  5. The vistas are unending out West, the colours so different.

    Just dropped my boy off too.

    Wish your girl the best.

    Lots of change.


  6. What a wonderful trip with people you love and a country you love too!
    I'm new to your blog but what a gift it is! You're SO talented!

  7. My husband, my daughter and myself did a road trip out west this September. It was the second time for my husband and I. My husband and I have traveled all but 5 states. I love this country and the beauty of it. We too like to go off the beaten path and found good people, interesting and fun things to see and do. I would recommend traveling the US by car to anyone!
