Thursday, August 28

New color!

With soft morning sunshine streaming in the studio...
It's color time!

A new watercolor to share~
'Dark Brown' by Winsor & Newton

It is a muted, matte~ cool brown.
I think I will use it as a warm gray!

Hope your day is filled with 'warm tones!' ;)


  1. so lovely and so Autumn :)

    Hugs, doreen

  2. You make me want to buy some watercolors....the only paint I don't have or maybe watercolor pencils or maybe both....and boy do I love acorns! Lovely!

  3. Hugs to you, Doreen! :)
    Sam I Am~ I do hope you will! I am not a fan of watercolor pencils--- but many artists enjoy them. The best advice I can give in watercolor, purchase the best paper you can afford. Purchase nice (professional) brushes... they do not have to be top of the line. Purchase the best paints you can. The paints... start with a few tubes and add as you go. As long as they keep making new colors I will add to my palette. I started in watercolor with 7 tubes. Cadmium red, ultramarine blue, cadmium yellow, hookers green, umber, sienna and sepia. Have fun!

  4. I can see already that I'm going to have to order new acorns on light-colored muslin for my collection of Michelle Palmer originals! Love this color!
