Thursday, February 13

Vintage linens & thank you~

The beauty of vintage linens~
They can be torn, tattered... stained... worn with love...
and STILL be gorgeous!

I find them in antique shops... thrift shops...
Sad to see mounds of yellowing history just sitting.
I bring them home, share a tubby with them & add one of my 
original pen & ink illustrations!

Made new again~

Don't chubby little cheeks make you smile?

These little prince & princesses are in my Etsy shop~
They remind me of Valentines!

Thank you for your friendship, support, encouragement and comments
to my previous post~ I responded below all of your notes.
Far too many of us deal with theft & infringement~
I'm so thankful we don't let them stop us!
They will eventually be stopped.

Praying all of you are safe through this very powerful storm!
Hope the ice melts soon~
Please be safe, Dear Friends!


  1. So precious ~ I love when you use old linens for your artwork ~ my favorite ones are the ones on old vintage baby gowns and vintage sugar sacks (which I have).
    Hope you got your matters solved with your copyright.
    Stay safe too!
    Prim Blessings

  2. Your little critters have such sweet personalities and they do seem valentine like, especially the one holding a heart.

  3. So gorgeous. Fabulous to see old linens getting a new life. Hugs,xx

  4. Beautiful, heartfelt, creative, unique and wonderful as always Michelle, love the vintage fabrics! Stay safe and warm, Deb
