Saturday, February 8

Tiny, fluffy... feathers~

Long, cold winter days...
My heart anticipates Springtime!

With heavy socks, slippers, fuzzy layers...
Two plush throws~ I am warming up from cleaning the driveway.

Spring is nearing... these little loves have promised!

Sharing a little love...

They're looking forward to the warm sunshine on their shoulders...
Green grass to hop on...
Feathered companions traveling from miles away~

So am I~
Hope you have a cozy weekend, Sweet Friends!


  1. I enjoy your drawings so much. It's just fun to pop in and gaze at them. They are so sweet. Thanks for sharing.

  2. You get all rugged up to go out and shovel snow, and those little birds survive with the same feathers they always wear. They are amazing. Love your drawing.
    Hugs Kay
