Tuesday, February 4

Me & my shadow...

My dad would sing this song to me...
I never left his side~

I try to recall these words MANY times throughout the day~

Valentine's Day is just around the corner~
Little loves sharing their heart!

I would sing 'puppy love' to my dear Lab~
Our home will have prancing paws again someday...
How I miss the joy that dogs share!

We have sunshine this morning~
It will be clouding over soon... a snow storm is moving in!
Please be safe, Sweet Friends~


  1. Sweetness! Ready for Bees and Bunnies. I love winter but ready for spring. Warm Blessings! Amy

  2. Edi linked to you, so I came to see. I love what you do.

  3. Your artwork is beautiful and so sweet! I love it!
