Friday, August 10

Michelle Palmer Fabric!

Look what arrived in the mail today!
A gorgeous portfolio with my NEW fabric line!!!
Postcard Garden
Red Rooster Fabrics
I've been waiting to share the GREAT news...
Red Rooster Fabrics has done an AMAZING job with my art!

I started collecting postcards when I was a teen~
My very first trip away from home...
First travels outside of New York State with my sister & her family.

With every gas fill-up I would look for post cards of that state~
I would draw sites, flowers, bug etc. & keep notes on the back of them.
As a college student I began collecting antique & vintage cards.

Postage stamps were my very first art collection.
I have always viewed them as mini masterpieces~
They go hand in hand.

 Kathy Brown introduced me & my art to Red Rooster Fabrics.
Kathy is a fabric designer & so much more!

Such beautiful quality!
Beautiful colors...

Another collection is coming this fall...

I'll share the news about that collection soon!

I love to paint my favorite things~
When amazing companies use my art to design such quality products...
My grateful heart just wants to paint more & more!

Update: A sweet friend asked where you can purchase my fabric...
Red Rooster Fabrics has a link Type in your state and it will
list the stores that carry Red Rooster Fabrics in your area~ 
I think it will be available in October...
Call the location nearest you and ask if they'll have 
Postcard Garden by Michelle Palmer
(I just have goosebumps thinking about it!)

Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Sweet Friends!


  1. EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! I love them! Wow, wow, wow! What a smart, clever girl you are! Can't wait to see it in person!

  2. They are all so gorgeous Michelle!!!! Congratulations sweet friend!!!! Your work is so wonderful, what a perfect way to showcase it ~ I'm just so happy for you, hugs and love, Dawn

  3. Congratulations ,, how wonderful to see your work in fabric.
    Their bright , cheerful , nostalgic. Good luck ,,, BJ

  4. Sweet Michelle,
    congratulations!!!! It looks absolutly amazing!!!! You should be so proud of your work ! Love, love, love everything!!

    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  5. Congratulations; your work is simply wonderful.

  6. Oh Michelle, The art on these fabrics is just soooo lovely!! What a joy! I am going to have to get my hands on some of it!! Too much fun for you, too!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  7. Hi Michelle, Congratulations. Your art is amazing and I enjoy looking at all of your art work. I could never decide which ones I like the best because I like them all. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs Your Missouri Friend.

  8. CONGRAT'S!!! It's lovely and where can I buy it???
    It's so pretty!!

  9. Congratulations on producing such an amazing line of fabric! I have always viewed stamps as mini masterpieces too. I particularly love the fabric that looks like a collection of postcards.

  10. oh I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous! Congrats, I was waiting to see the products with those beauties on! You're the best!

  12. Wow just awesome! Congratulations!

  13. Wow Michelle - what a triumph! Gorgeous fabric designs. I am sure they will be very popular. Well done you! x Jo

  14. Its gorgeous! You must be over the moon.

  15. Totally original, beautiful, lovely,precious, versatile and awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Your enthusiasm is contagous! The designs are adorable and perfect for quilting! Great job!

    Deb oxo

  17. Oh Michelle!
    I'm so happy for you! I will be buying your fabric for sure-it is lovely, as all your creations are....You make the world a lovlier place-thank you-heartfelt...:)

  18. Oh how wonderful-I just checked the list, and found that O'Suesannah's quilt Shop in Watkins Glen, NY carries this fabric line-so I will be able to buy it locally!!!!

  19. Congrats Michelle! beautiful fabrics!

  20. Absolutely wonderful! I can't wait for it to be in the store. I definitely want to have some. It will make some special projects!

  21. Michelle, I love the fabrics! My favorite is the one with the sweet little Caroline Wren.

  22. Oh me oh my....congratulations...these all are so amazing! I must look for them. Thanks for popping by my blog the other are so talented! Happy weekend.

  23. Michelle, your new fabric line is absolutely gorgeous!!

  24. How wonderful, Michelle! Congratulations, they are gorgeous.


  25. Now we're talking! Fabric is my medium of choice and I am loving your new Postcard Garden line. I am off to find it! Congratulations Michelle.

  26. So beautiful! Straight away I can see these prints are speaking to me to be made into so many gorgeous projects ;)
    I'll look forwaard to seeing if I can buy it here in the UK or if I'll need to make an overseas order! Rx

  27. That's WONDERFUL, Michelle!! I just went to their site and there are THREE stores in the area that will carry it. I'm SO thrilled for you!!

    Heaps of Hugs,

  28. Hello Michelle! Thankyou so much for finding me in bloggy land... its such a delight to be introduced to you and your beautiful artwork. The fabric is sublime, I'm not surprised you have goosebumps :) I'm also in love with the little fabric books from your previous post..the little sketches and antique divine *sigh!*
    Big hugs to you Jennyx

  29. oh so lovely, what a gorgeous collection, you must be thrilled! thanks for your visit to my blog.

  30. Oh, my goodness! I will be able to buy your artwork by the yard! I'm so excited! It all looks so beautiful. Congratulations!

  31. That really is fabulous news! And the fabric design is beautiful! I'll see if I can find a store that carries it near me! Sweet hugs!

  32. This is so exciting! The fabrics look beautiful and I love the panels!

  33. You have every right to have goosebumps...your fabric creations are absolutely lovely! Wow...I can't wait to see the in my local shop...very proud of your artistry!

  34. CONGRATULATIONS! The fabrics look fantastic, I just hope that they will be available online as well, I'd love to be able to get some.

  35. Oh my goodness...I LOVE your fabric! The postcard design is so you....and so me too! :) I sure hope someone local will be selling it.
