Thursday, August 9

Canvas Journals...

The feeders were bustling with tweets n' chatter...
Storms were coming and our feathered friends were filling their tummies!

I purchased two little canvas books from
Jane Eileen's Etsy store  over one month ago~
I knew if I stared at them long enough... an idea would come!
I hand-stitched (my fancy talent) the bias ribbon along the cut edge.

The books are filled with vintage 'things' and feathers!
I drew sweet portraits of my feathered friends perched about~
They walk along our brick window ledges.
Peeking in~

It's getting to be acorn time...
One can never have too many shells, pebbles or acorns!

Each photograph shows the treasures that come with the book...

I wanted to start stitching buttons to every page...
Glue some stamps in...
Tack in a few antique tintypes...
Then I remembered~
I'm not keeping them for myself!

These two treasures will be in my Etsy store in a few minutes...
I hope someone will enjoy adding collections to the pages~

I almost gathered the courage to cross stitch little ribbon patterns
from one of my 1850's pattern books~
Perhaps next time!

I'm off to play with wool~
Two very special gifts for a super sweet friend!
Hope you have a fantastic evening!


  1. There you go again! Very clever and cute journals!

    Hugs and Smiles,

  2. wunderschön fasziniernd gesaltet!

    Lieben Gruss Elke

  3. These are exquisite!!! I'll be checking your shop soon!!!

  4. These are adorable! Who wouldn't treasusre them?

  5. I don't think they lasted long! I hope you make some more! They are precious!

  6. WOW! I love what you did with these! You are amazing!
