Sunday, February 19

Wrist Support...

I searched a few stores for the perfect wrist support
to use with my computer/mouse etc.
I found one!
It was a thin nylon... filled with plastic beads... $26.99
I carried it around the store, gathered all that was on my list.
Thought twice because of the price.

I keep a jar of poly-pellets for craft projects...
I purchased this bag for $3.99
Ooodles of projects~

Found a lonely trouser sock in my drawer...
Waiting for the mate to return from the business trip I lost it on~

I figured the height and length I was looking for...
Tied off the end~

A sweet friend of mine sews these adorable empty pillows for me.
I make all types of treasures with them!
Found the perfect size~

Stuffed my trouser sock, filled with pellets, inside~

Stitched it up with my award winning sewing talents!
Added a beautiful vintage lace to cover (hide) those
fantastically exact stitches (giggle) 

Hope your day is wonderful~


  1. The treasure with many talents . . . LOL! That's you! I do believe you need to post your recent project on Pinterest . . . great idea! I can see you have plenty of inspiration to last you the day . . .

    Smiles and Blessings,
    Deb oxo

  2. Very smart and thrifty. Your wrist will feel so good resting on your little special pillow. Blissful...

  3. This is such a great idea, Michelle! I certainly could have used one of these when I was working full-time. Being on the computer all day would give me carpal tunnel and I would wake up in the middle of the night from the numbness.

  4. $ goodness! As my grandma would say..that's highway robbery!

    Glad you could make your know that other sock will find its way home now LOL.

  5. Very cute idea! I'm sure yours is much prettier than the $27 one! =]

  6. What a great idea. So much better than paying all that money!

  7. so wonderful ! Thanks so much for sharing ! Stop by my blog for a visit I have a surprise for you there ! hugs lilraggedyangie

  8. Perfect! and I'm sure it's much nicer than the seriously over-priced one!
