Saturday, February 18

Fairy Hopscotch...

The green was gently covered last night...
A perfect patch for fairy hopscotch~

Everything with a pure white blanket~
My gardens look like blank canvases!
Chickadees and Phoebes are singing songs at the feeders~
The air is crisp~
Each new day begins different... wonder what today will share~

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!


  1. All your beautiful green from below is covered! The snow is pretty ~ I like your fairy hopscotch. Cute!

    Well hopefully the snow will melt fast and all your lovely green will be back.

    Happy weekend Michelle!
    xo Catherine

  2. I love that photos of the brick sidewalk. Very nice. Your way of seeing things artistically crosses over.


  3. My memories of the midwest . . . how things can change overnight. Thanks for sharing . . . even in southern California I can now say that I woke up to snow this morning.

    Smiles and blessings for an inspirational day to you!
    oxo Deb

  4. Just the thought of fairy hopscotch made me smile! I love the photos!

  5. Beautiful post Michelle! Love your photos & "fairy hopscotch" ♥
    We woke to the garden covered in snow too ~ hope there is more to come!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. How pretty and what a wonderful way to describe it! I love your imagination! ♥
