Wednesday, May 4

Around the studio...

Favorite little things fill studio shelves...
I found a tidy spot to share!

My mom tucked $25 in my birthday card.
When I receive "cash" I try to purchase something
special... often it is spent on a needful item.

I hit the perfect shelf in a local antique shop!
Old botanical books, nature books...
Flower reference books...

With so much rain this is a bit of a tease!
I designed book plates that I glue in with ph safe products...

I make little notes on the plate~
The year I added it to my collection, who it is from...
Where I found it~

Hope your day is perfect!


  1. What great books to use as inspiration for your lovely artwork!

  2. What a perfect find, Michelle! Another wonderful way to extend your birthday. You know I'm all for that!

  3. Glad you have found such lovely books to inspire your work. I love that idea of using bookplates to remember how and when you came by your special books - that will make for even better memories.


  4. Oooh my, beautiful old books...made even more lovely with your special bookplates and memories!

    Warm hugs...Judy

  5. I love old books especially ones with the colored pictures.
    Enjoy ~ what a perfect birthday gift. Love the book plates.
    Prim Blessings

  6. What a lovely idea! Your books are a great find, they really are beautiful and a great reflection of your own fabulous work!

  7. Oh I love your idea. I love books. . .especially children's books! I wish I had known about your neat idea several years ago. I would have had a blast doing it in all my daughter's books as I purchased them. LOL! She's 16 now, but I still love to buy the books.
    Sweet mom. . .always nice to receive money and spend it on something fun.

    Blessings and smiles!
    Deb :o)

  8. Wonderful books you have there, I can see how they would offer up hours of inspiration.

  9. Beautiful books, and what a good idea to use your very own special book plates to record info.

  10. A lovely little sneak peek into your studio. The vintage books are fabulous! I love how you use them in your projects! The little book plates are perfection!
