Monday, May 9

All the Buzzzzz...

Our flower gardens are all a'buzzzz!
We have had a few days of sunshine~ colors are popping!

I drew these a few weeks ago...
Finally a few minutes to take pictures and list them in

Our Lilac trees are loaded with blossoms!
They're all simply waiting for a few days
of warmer temperatures to spring open!
The bees drift by them, pause a bit, making note
of where they'll need to return to next week!

I have tried to move a few clumps of our
English LAWN daisies~ back into a garden scape.
They keep the Wild LAWN Violets and Grape LAWN Hyacinths
company until the lawn mower needs to tame the area.

Gardening with no boundaries...
There are more blossoms in the grass then in my garden beds!
Confuses my pup as to where her potty boundaries
start and stop (giggles)

Hope your week is off to a wonderful start!


  1. Love these, Michelle! Can't wait to get my bee skep drawing!!
    Hugs n love!

  2. your work never disappoints. you are so very talented. Thank you for continuing to share it with us in the blogging world.

  3. Beautiful! You are so talented!

  4. It takes quite a talent to be able to draw the realistic qualities of a subject as well as the whimsical. You are blessed with both. Another "swarm" of wonderful sketches!

    Blessings and Smiles!
    Deb :o)

  5. So love to see what you are up to, Michelle. Love these creations.

    Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day ~
    TTFN ~

    5 Day GIVEAWAY, pop over.

  6. Oh these are really georgeous!!!
    Love them
    Fine day

  7. Michelle, they're just volunteering to pretty up your world. ;-) I always wonder why we call some things "weeds" when they're just too purty for that moniker!
    Lovin' all your bees! We have more this year already so I hope the hives are recovering from whatever was making the colonies disappear.

    Hugs and love and a belated Happy Mothers Day to you!


  8. Oh Michelle- these are Bee- utiful! Love these precious little bags! Our yard has also been all abuzz with the little bees dancing their way around all the flowers in bloom. They love our lilacs too!

  9. Your work is always impressing me. Beautiful drawings, Michelle!

  10. I've missed your blog because I've been swamped with work, too. Just popped in and I have to say I LOVE the newest things you've posted!!!
