Tuesday, November 2

New Tote Bags...

I have been trying to fix my blog...
Many pictures decided to disappear~
I have added a few back at the top of some posts,
removed some posts... it will take days to reorganize.
Six new little tote bags!
More treasures for my Etsy store!
This little face is named "Peaches 'n Cream"

I thought this card of vintage buttons would
be perfect added here and there with the snowflakes...
Or use them in some other way!

Feathered friends dressed for winter...
A sweet Chickadee perched in a shrub near my car
as I was scraping off the heavy frost...
Calling out to list this collection today!
Frost on the pumpkins!
Hope your day is perfect~


  1. awwww - I have made up my mind that the next time you put up a wee chickadee I'm buying it! I'd like to use one in a crazy quilt piece.

  2. Your work continues to amaze me! These little fellas are so cute!!

  3. Chickadees must be just about the hardiest little creature out there in the depths of wintertime .... You have captured their fun and whimsical nature perfectly!

  4. These are wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing them.

    Julia x x x

  5. The little bags are lovely and your buttons are fab. What is it about buttons? We all seem to love them don't we.

  6. Oh Michelle these are sweet. I love all your little birdies! And the buttons are a perfect accompaniment Have a great day! Jenn

  7. Absolutely amazing Michelle, you have captured the essence of the chickadees so perfectly! Thanks for sharing your fabulous artwork and so sorry Blogger ate your pictures! Deb

  8. Dear Michelle
    Thank you for visiting my blog! What wonderful things you create, so much talent :-) The tote bags are gorgeous, now I'm going to look at your other items for sale ...
    Happy days,
    Denise x

  9. I so love your birds and your art style. I want one of those bags I will wear it when I go to rug hooking to keep my keys, hook and scissors in.
    Can't wait for my payday the 24th. I gift to self.

  10. These would be perfect INSTEAD of a stocking hanging from the mantle!

  11. How adorable are these - little birdies dressed for the winter - oh my - such creative design! The buttons are also a perfect accent - I LOVE vintage buttons!

