Sunday, October 31

Merry Mice, Old Lace & New Tags...

More merry mice!
I have been drawing these sweet little
faces for weeks... so eager to list them!
The sun peeked through and I was able to get photos!
I will be adding new art to my Etsy store daily...
Vintage dresses and linens...
I will post about them first, a peek for you!

These laces were a fun find!

I have not washed them...
I like the stains and aged colors...

Such treasures...
Each piece so very different~

Long ago...
When women passed each other...
Did they have time to notice the little details?
I'm such a visual person...
Dinner would have been late, laundry on the line
would have been damp from the evening air!
This little pink box...
Under a stack of felt and misc. fabric...

These are the new tags I made to share
as a thank you with each sale in my Etsy...
They do not dry well this time of year.
When I put them in a metal colander I can use
a hair dryer to speed the process!
Keeps them from flying all over the studio~
Sometimes dots from the metal appear on the tags, too.

Hope your week is filled with creative projects!
Time to go list my little furry friends~


  1. Oh what fun! Merry mice are the cutest! Enjoy your evening! Hugs! ♥

  2. Fabulous Michelle!!!! I want the mice!!!!
    I will be checking every minute!!!

  3. Such a gifted artist you are, Michelle. I love the laces and vintage touches. All as special and unique as you are!

  4. Love the merry mice! I just purchased two of them ~ lucky me!

    Your lacey find was a wonderful one ~ it's getting harder and harder to find such beautiful treasures! I'm sure you'll do delightful things with every little bit of it!

  5. The little mouse guy is so sweet. Thanks for sharing your process on the tags..... you are a very talented artist.

  6. The mice is gorgeous - the lace is breathtakingly beautiful - and what a clever idea the way you are colouring the tags.

    God certainly gave you the most amazing gift and it is wonderful that you share your talent

  7. Dear Michelle,

    I also fell in love with that little mice in a shoe and managed to make two orders for one purchase :DD I am so sorry, I am still learning to buy from Etsy...

    Hugs, Minnamarika

  8. Your drawings are always so beautiful. I love the new lace finds, the possibilities with them are endless.

  9. The mice are just adorable as are all your drawings and the lace it is exquisite***

  10. Such a merry mousie to find waiting this morning...a perfect way to begin a snowy day. And the laces...splendid!
    Thank you most kindly for a Monday morning smile Michelle!

  11. There was a little mouse that lived in a boot.
    Loved the lace and I wonder about the time factor of long ago as well. With all our time saving modern conveniences, we still are short on time. How were those women able to create the lovely needlework they did? On top of all the other chores that needed to be done.

  12. when i think i've seen all your talent, you just come up with more beautiful things....and i want to thank you for sharing HOW you do what you do...even if some of us don't have the talent to even try to do something similar! LOL.

  13. My you are really busy. Your drawings are precious. Your tags are the perfect added touch. The laces are a true treasure. Happy Autumn...

  14. You are such a gifted artist - I always enjoy the view here :)Beautiful work indeed

  15. adorable mice and what wonderful finds you have there. Thank you for visiting me. Take care.

  16. I simply adore your little mice - so cute and lovable!

    That lace collection is beyond exquisite - oh my it is so lovely. I love your new gift tag designs - Michelle - you are amazing!

