Tuesday, April 20

Wilcox has his first photo shoot!

As I stitched on the last button...
My Sweet Sixteen had her camera ready for pictures!
Lawn daisies and sunshine welcome
sweet WILCOX!

Sweet 16 selected his button eyes from her
collection of black glass...
She loves how they catch the light!

Wee little tail...

Eye lashes that make you tilt your head in awe...

Sweet 16 loved reading all of your thoughts
and comments... especially about long eyelashes!
She has long eyelashes and LOVES that about Giraffes~

Hope you have a nice evening!


  1. Oh! The buttons & eyelashes just brought him to life! So cute!

  2. Hi Michelle, I just received an email from Legacy that you are a new artist with them...I thought "hey I know her" :) congratulations! My sister-in-law has some work with them also and I'm on their mailing list. Love all your work ~ its very sweet. Have a wonderful evening also! Jenn

  3. Everything about him is perfect~his beautiful black glass button eyes (with those fetchingly long lashes), his wee tail and darling little red jacket! All ready to come out and play!
    Welcome Wilcox! It is simply grand meeting you!

  4. hi michelle from is excellent blog and much creative y intelligent fabolous

  5. Wilcox does have beautiful eyelashes!

  6. Wilcox is a sweetie!
    Country Blessings,

  7. Oh Michelle, I love little Wilcox!
    His name is so perfect by the way...He's cute beyond cute, and those eyelashes make him even more adorable! I love his jacket too!xoxo Paulette ;)

  8. Thank you so much for becoming a follower of my blog. YOU ARE AMAZING! Did you make this? He is adorable!! Just so cute! How do you do it? How much time does it take? I am amazed and cant wait to look through your blog and see what else you do!

  9. Hi Michelle, Thanks for stopping by Turkey Creek Lavender and following along! I've enjoyed visiting your site and love your artwork. Really lovely and so talented!

  10. How cute is that?! So adorable. Such talent you have. :-)

  11. Oh my Gosh !!! Wilcox is so cute. I have a kit to make two sheep with needle felting. Now I really cannot wait to try it. Michelle he is just darling. Such personality and such cute pictures

  12. He is so adorable!!
    take care

  13. What a sweet little guy! You did a great job! Thanks for sharing him with us.

  14. Michella amor, he is just adorable! Those eyelashes are gorgeous, I am so jealous of him and your daughters eyelashes :) I can see why your lil one loves him so! Where did such a cool name come from? I think she did a great job with the eyes...my daughter said Wilcox is stylin and I so agree! My own bebe turns 14 Fri...where did the time go? Besos, Rose

    ps..I sent you an email :)

  15. Wilcox is the most adorable giraffe I have ever seen. He rocked his photo shoot. Happy creating...

  16. A Superstar!!!!! Great Job.
    Have a nice week Madelon

  17. Hi, I am a new follower via Good Morning Mary Sunshine, She had a sweet link on her blog just for you. Wilcox looks very sweet and lovable. Look forward to visiting, Many Blessing, Deborah
    Love your header....:)

  18. what a CUTE project. she's very photogenic!

  19. Eeeeek what an ADORABLE Giraffe! I especially love her eye lashes!


  20. Hi Michelle,
    Just discovered your blog via another blog (as you do). Your work is just stunning. Thank you for sharing!

  21. Michelle,
    Wilcox!! Oh, it's perfect. He is totally a Wilcox. Precious, just darling. You are on talented lady! Lisa

  22. Wlicox is just beautiful! I love his large ears, it gives him such personality! Nice work!

  23. Wilcox is very cute.

    How do you find the time to craft and paint?

  24. Oh that little giraffe is the cutest thing ever..I love his long eyelashes..and I love your sketches..do you ever do kittys? I found you by way of my etsy..you *heart* my etsy and I had to see who you were..your work is wonderful...I Love it all..have a great rest of your thursday.:)

  25. Oh me oh my!! Love her!!! Thank you so much for following me....I am now following you too and will be back again soon. So much to see!!!

    Thank you again,
    Karen Eileen

  26. He is adorable! I just want to snuggle with him!!! I love his eyelashes! Give him a kiss for me!


  27. Oops I'm in love, he is so cute!
    His eyelashes ... beautiful, clever made!!!
    Thank you so much for your sweet comment Michelle,
    Love to read your posts :)and see all your beautiful art work!
    You are very kind and talented!
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  28. Oh - my - gosh! Cuteness to die for!!! Love his tail!!
