Friday, April 23

Loads of New Fabric Art to Share!

Thank you for so many WONDERFUL and sweet
comments for our Wilcox giraffe!
My Sweet 16 enjoyed reading each one...

Finding her names in old love letters, receipts etc.
Her large collection of antique photographs
is filled with delightful names~

How long did Wilcox take to make...
Needle felting is measured in movies~ ha! ha!
We watched "Finding Neverland, Miss Potter,
French Kiss, Pride and Prejudice (new),
Fried Green Tomatoes,
P.S. I Love You and The Dutchess."
Our sweets have had spring break this week...
Movies, walks, road trips etc. instead of homework!

Doesn't this little guy make you yawn?
I would LOVE a real teddy like him to cuddle in with...

Little pout friend...

(smile, snicker...)
This was a bear... but ended up looking like a pup!

A favorite...
If I could sew bears~ I would make him!

You knew I had to add feathers somewhere!! ha! ha!

I will have more fabric pieces soon...
My next post will be a little tutorial on needle felting.
When I teach friends we make strawberries...
That is what I will share with you~

Hope your Friday is sunny and sweet!


  1. Michelle these are just the cutest! I love your mice. All your drawings have so much personality. Im in aw of all your work and talent! Thanks for sharing. :) Have a wonderful day. Kim

  2. Michelle amor, I love all your new lil loves, but that lil bear with the surprised look on his face just stole my heart lol Have a beautiful weekend amor :) Besos, Rose

  3. What a wonderful way to share time with your loved ones while making Wilcox and enjoying some movies. Happy creating...
    P.S. I am looking forward to your strawberry tutorial.

  4. What a fun way to find names for your creations!
    I can hardly wait for the tutorial. I have been wanting to try needle felting but didn't know where to begin!

  5. Good afternoon Michelle..these are wonderful :)

    Looking forward to your tutorial :)

    Have a wonderful day,

  6. Oh Michelle - I love the mouse in the teacups! What an adorable idea. Just so you know, I received my package from you yesterday and it was so fantastic that I did a blog post about it. Thank you a million times over - I'm so touched.

  7. You are such an inspirational soul! I love coming by here and seeing all of your fabric drawings! Brilliant, cute, mind turns and turns over ideas of how I would use some of these brilliant pieces!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina was here!!

  8. Your drawings are so sweet and I can't decide which ones I like the best. I love them all and their names are so cute.


  9. Your drawings are so wonderful. They make me smile everytime I see them!

  10. I love your drawings-they are so sweet. Wilcox is the cutest sweetest giraffe I have ever seen.
    Couldn't you do a bear in the same way. How adorable that would be-
    Hugs, Marietta

  11. Hi Michelle!
    I am in looooove with all your beautiful creations and I am also the lucky recipient of one! Margaret of the French Bear gifted me with one of your bunnies on fabric. I treasure it and I did a blogpost on it too. So glad to find you and I so enjoy your wonderful talent!

  12. As a teddy bear artist, I just loved your teddy drawings, now I'm off to check out your etsy site and see if I can manage to acquire one or two!
