Thursday, November 12

Needle Felted Snow Friends Pincushions...

A few more snow friends to share...
I just dropped them off at Roseann's shop!
Her Christmas open house begins tomorrow!

I had noticed four stoneware bowls
at a gigantic antique shop this summer.
I passed them by at first~
but after three or four different vendors
my creative mind came up with a cute idea!
Snowmen pincushions!

All I had to do then was retrace my steps
and relocate the bowls!

To save on wool the bowl is filled with
polyfill and then I needle felted the wool over it.
The large ball of fibers is hot glued into the bowl.

I found a small box of vintage pins a while back...
they are the perfect touch!

I promise something different tomorrow!
Enough snow for a few days~


  1. I love pin cushions and I love snowmen ~ that's a very fun combination!

  2. Oh, girlfriend, those are too, too adorable for words!

  3. Hi Michelle~ Love your sweet snowmen! I dropped a little note in the mail yesterday for you. Hope you receive it next week. Have a wonderful weekend! ~Mandy
