Wednesday, November 11

Another Needle Felted Snowman...

This little fella has a hat!
Hats completely change the look...

The perfect support for my multi-layered buddy!

Not sure what these receipt do-dads are
called... but with a little bit of coaxing they
made pretty AND STURDY bases~

A blank canvas!


I love driving by front lawns with
4-5 ball snowfriends!

I assume the families that craft the
tall snowmen are MUCH taller
than our family!

Hope your day is perfect~


  1. Oh he is SO cute! I love his nose and you're absolutely right! The hat totally changes the look.

    By the way, I thin receipt do-dads is a perfect name for those thingys!

  2. Just looking at this tutorial makes me itch to get making these guys. I love the pile of noses in the previous post! And your furniture turnings look familiar-did you by chance visit our favorite hardware-antique store to buy them?? I've got a small stash. By the way, you can easily make them 'go farther' by sawing them in half. The shorter spindles are just as cute.
    Love, Debra
