Monday, February 23

Warm Colors...Warm Heart...

Leaf sunshine!

I have this pressed in a journal~
We have a very cold, blustery day...
Needed a little sunshine & thought you might, too!


  1. Thanks for dropping in Michelle! I was browsing through your blog this morning but had to leave before I could comment! Your water color banner is beautiful!And your new felted creatures are so sweet.

  2. It's a beautiful photo!
    I've been looking at all the lovely posts here. Your felted art is incredible.
    I wanted you to see another woman's felted art-I know you will love it. I saw it first at Primitive Folk Art Trinkets and Treasures, under Motley Mutton. Please see her sleeping chipmunk! She has a website by that name too. Thought you'd be interested!
    Love, Debra
    Sure hope your family is feeling better.

  3. Michelle, so much nicer than the brown and gray we're seeing outside this time of year....
    I'm SO ready for spring! That groundhog was wrong! LOL! Feels like we've still got 6 MONTHS of this left!


  4. Thank you all for saying "hi!" & sweet comments...

    Debra~ the chipmunk is DEAR! Thank you for sharing...I passed the link on to a few felting friends!

    Hope you have a great day! Michelle

  5. Yay for color. It was a particularly dismal grey day today.
