Sunday, April 21

Easter Blessings

Praying that your hearts will always be filled with
His promise~
Peace, Hope and Love.

The gardens are beginning to wake!
I haven't been in a hurry to remove their protective blanket~
the winds have been crazy wild with every weather fluctuation.
Up until this past week snow was constantly teasing!
Tiny perennials are breaking through the soil and leaf covering
and I'm able to gently clear the leaves and dead stalks away without
disturbing sprouting beauties. I tend to forget what I plant from
year to year and just how wide some of the perennials reach~
The lawns are greening up...
Birds are nesting...
Chipmunks have started perching on the banister to warm in the sun...
and the peas are planted!
Primrose are open... the bees will be delighted!

Wishing you a joy-filled Easter and
Beautiful spring days~


  1. My dear Michelle,
    wishing you and your a lovely Easter.
    Karen B.x

  2. Hoping your Easter weekend has been a blessed time and you were able to enjoy the bounty of spring.
    This beautiful painting of the bluebird is stunning - we love watching them in the garden - thanks for sharing.
    Mary -

  3. Thank you, Friends!
    Wishing you beautiful Spring days~

  4. You are a true artist! I love seeing your birds especially! Have a wonderful week!
