Wednesday, March 13

"Rabbit & Chickadee Go Gathering" copyright 2019 Michelle L. Palmer

Chickadee has found the perfect assistant! 
Rabbit will deliver her sweet treat to the base of the tree
where her nestlings await dessert!
Perhaps Mr. Chickadee will bring home a dollop of whipped cream.

Rabbit will rest in the shade and enjoy his snack before heading home
with a pussy willow bouquet for his family.

Our pussy willows have started to open!
Little fuzzy buds trying to break through their winter shells...
Nice to see hints of Springtime.
We have a few sprigs tucked in a jar with water.
They will be fully open by the end of the week~

Hope your March days have been a little more sunny...
A touch warmer and filled with happiness, Friends~


  1. What a stunning piece you have created, Michelle! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Thank you, Robin! <3 Hope your Spring days are sunny and warm!
