Thursday, July 19

Punch needle Holstein cows~

'The Girls' copyright 2018 Michelle L. Palmer

Punch needle project currently in my hoop~
These grazing Holsteins are interpreted from one of my very early watercolor paintings.

Summer on a farm~
The Girls would talk to each other as they crossed over the hill and
headed out to pasture for the day~
They were still carrying on conversation at milking time
as they slowly made their way back to the barn.
I loved to hear our neighbor calling them home and
  the sound of their hoofs clopping across the paved road. 
The cows knew exactly which stanchion was theirs...
Each with their own name~
They're just perfect.

Hope your summer has been going great, Friends!


  1. Your design is incredibly lovely.

    You have described my own childhood experience with cows-it was my grandpa who always called the cows "Come boss, come boss!" with the cow dog, Lassie, urging them down the cow paths to the barn...I love thinking of those days. Your design-your ART, made me very happy today-just seeing it. Love to you.

  2. What a lovely piece you designed and are creating!

  3. Thank you, Sweet Friends <3
    Always a joy to have to visit and share your hearts!
