Thursday, May 31

Last day of May~

Hope you had a nice Memorial Day weekend, Friends~
Always grateful to spend time with family and`
remember with respect, those who gave so much.

Lilacs have shared their scent... now the air is filled with honeysuckle!

~Solomon's Seal~
The gardens are filled with blossoms... and weeds.
I grab a handful of weeds every time I take our pup for a walk!
He grabs a mouthful of what I toss aside and shakes them.
He let's them know who's boss!

I have added my first rug hooking pattern to my Etsy shop!
'I Love You to the Moon and Back' is hand drawn on natural linen.

My edges are taped on this pattern~
Will sew them eventually.
Learning as I go!
I took care to keep the lines straight of the grain...
That was my goal for this pattern! 

I hope you have a great weekend, Friends~
Welcoming June with bouquets of Dame's Rocket!


  1. The rug design is very nice.... but, I absolutely LOVE that picture of the Dame's Rocket! Something about that angled sunlight that just makes it look so dreamy! That would make some great notecards! *hint* *hint*! :-) Let us know if you print some up....I'd be interested in some as I'm always mailing out notes....

  2. Love your nature photos, Michelle! Your rug design is pretty. I, too, would love to see some of your photos turned into note cards.

  3. Love your "...Moon and back" design!!!!
