Sunday, January 21

Valentine Color Cards

I have my Valentine greetings back from the printer!
Added a touch of color with colored pencils to those I will mail to friends~
I will cut the edges with some fancy scissors and tack them to a pretty card stock.

I love to share cards and letters~
A little something in the post box for friends who live alone...
Share a hug with a heart that is hurting.
...and I LOVE to send Valentines!

This year I will send one of my hand-colored Valentines and
include a black and white Valentine for them to color~

Winter storms are brewing across the Plains, Midwest and Northeast...
Hope you all stay safe & warm, Friends!

Have a wonderful week!


  1. OMGOSH- I think those are some of the cutest Valentine cards I have EVER seen. Just darling. You are using colored pencils? Wow! They look almost like they are done in watercolor. That is the difference between being an artist and the rest of us! lol
    Have a wonderful week, Michelle! xo Diana
