Tuesday, September 26

Punch needle patterns~

'Rooster Rising' Copyright 2017 Michelle L. Palmer

'Rooster Rising' my dad would always say,
"Never let the sunshine catch you sleeping!" "Up an at 'em!"
Days with him were always filled with adventure~ and love!

Hello, Friends!
It has been too long since my last post~
Summer seemed to dash by us and Autumn has arrived with 
unseasonably warm and beautiful days!
The gardens continue to call to me and
somehow I find myself spending too much time away from my desk~

'Scarecrow in the Pumpkin Patch' copyright 2017 Michelle L. Palmer

When the moon is so bright you don't need a flashlight~ 
That's when I imagine new friends are made!

'Apple a Day' copyright 2017 Michelle L. Palmer

Apple a Day' ~ The orchards smell so, so good right now!
We have been enjoying several warm days.
Driving past the rows of apple trees with our window down~ 
Sure to make an apple pie as soon at the 80 degree days go back down to the 60's.
(I think punch needle each day is great medicine, too!)

'Love You, Fraktur Bird' copyright 2017 Michelle L. Palmer

My dad would sit on the edge of my light blue
sand box (that he had built) and look up to the moon and say,
"I love you all the way up there, to that big white moon~ and back"
He used the moon to keep me awake on the way home
from Christmas Eve parties,
"Where's that moon, Boo? Did you see Santa fly around it yet?"
Something about the moon~

'Sunny Perch' copyright 2017 Michelle L. Palmer

Perfect place for our little crow friend to rest his wings~
Pumpkins can get heavy!
I remember walking through the pumpkin patch with little ones.
They would find the biggest one they could wrap their little
arms around & claim it as their own.
It would grow heavy in their arms after a few steps~

'Pumpkin in the Window' copyright 2017 Michelle L. Palmer

Mom always put a ceramic pumpkin (that my sister made)
in our front picture window.
I loved the soft glow of the smiling jack o lantern's face
as it reflected in the window.
The pumpkin sat on a very thick encyclopedia,
wrapped in tin foil, for perfect height. I put my little friend on a pedestal~

Hope your Autumn days are filled with happiness, Friends!


  1. Oh, Michelle, these are all so stunning! Your work is just amazing! Can't wait to stitch some of these up!

  2. Oh Michelle,
    they are all so very lovely and you have been very busy! Can't wait to see what you come up with for the Winter season.
    Many hugs.
    Karen B.

  3. So much cuteness! I couldn't pick a favourite because there's something special about each one. We must be living in the same weather pattern because we've had a very cool (and wet) summer but the past two weeks have been h-o-t. Today the temps are back down to normal and it feels positively chilly after all the heat.

  4. We did have our summer heat late this year~ has been a nice treat before snow flies ;)
    Thank you, Sweet Friends~
    Hope your Autumn days are filled with happiness!
