Friday, February 10

Fabric Illustration Bunny & Sparrow~

Friday huddle?
Hope your day is off to a great start, Sweet Friends!

No matter where our feathered friends perch~
They bring our hearts joy!
Chickadees are dancing on the feeder...
Juncos and Mourning Doves are cleaning up the ground &
Cardinals, Titmouse and Woodpeckers swoop in for a nibble!

The sun is peeking through after our snow storm overnight~
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!


  1. Hi Michelle... I just found this blog page... I don't know much about blogging.. but you just may be my inspiration! I have loved getting to know you and your art , which of course reflects the special person you are! I hope to see you sometime in the not too distant future... contemplating combining fairy gardens and grapevine wreath making...Laurie Leenhouts
