Wednesday, June 8

I love you to the moon and back~

copyright 2016 Michelle L. Palmer

From one of my early watercolor paintings!
I have wonderful memories of walking in the dew covered grass
with my dad, starlight nights~ brilliant moon lighting our way.
My dad whistled all the time~

My dad passed from cancer when I was in 7th grade~
Only wonderful memories of him fill my heart.

I spent endless hours meandering through pastures, streams,
ponds, abandoned farmhouses... swamps and woods~
My favorite pastime.
When a bird came near I would talk to my dad.
Chickadees and Cardinals would wake me in the morning~
Redwing Blackbirds would perch on cattails when I was
slopping through mud and grass tufts.
Robins would hop along stone walls... knowing I would leave
some of the wild black caps for them!
Mud Swallows would swoop and dive at me while I was mowing.
Eating bugs or not.. they were very intimidating!
Eastern Bluebirds would perch on weathered fence posts...
their feathers, brilliant blue as the summer sky.
The electric red & orange plumage of Tanagers and Orioles
would take my breath away~ they were rare and prompted a pause.

Companions still today and always finding their way into my illustrations~

Took similar starry night walks with our children~
They're in their 20's now... I still pull them outside
when the moon is just so.

Wishing your heart the sweetest memories~


  1. Your designs and projects are sincere Labors of Love. Embracing Creative Bliss...

  2. Thank you, Sweet Friend! True love~ ;)

  3. Just beautiful...the artwork and your writing. I understand what you mean about nature. It ministers to the soul.

  4. What a simply gorgeous design !!
    I always tell my 5 year old granddaughter "I love you to the moon and back, 100 times" !
