Thursday, May 19

Copyright 2016 Michelle L. Palmer

Alaina and I drove from New York to Arizona two summers back~
This design has been in the works since our journey.
Each state along the way had its own beauty and
unique characteristics~
The soil colors changed...
The landscape became open & endless.
The cultures rich and the people along the way~ AMAZING!

Alaina helping me select the perfect background colors~

My Grandma Newtown was Native American~ a treasured heritage.
I didn't have the privilege of knowing her. She passed long before my birth.
 My dad was an amazing man
who spoke of her often and loved her dearly.
Alaina's love of heritage and history~ of nature and this beautiful land
would make her extremely proud.

Hope your day is filled with beauty~


  1. Your buffalo is handsome and the colors fit the region, earthy colors, rusty red rock colors.

  2. Dear Michelle,
    I love your buffalo so much, it looks amazing!
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  3. Your trip sounds like it was a great source of inspiration - love this bison!

  4. Thank you, Friends!
    It was a wonderful journey~ wish time and funding would have allowed us to stay a week in each state. There is so much to see & so many sources of inspiration!
