Friday, March 4

Punch needle geranium~

I hope your Friday is off to a great start, Friends!

'Geranium' is the 2nd pattern from my Botanical Collection~
copyright 2016 Michelle L. Palmer

When we first moved into our home a little lady with snow white
hair came up through our back yard to introduce herself.
With her straw hat in hand she stood and chatted for a while
and then asked if we could help her move her
potted geraniums indoors for the winter.
I think we may have been expecting our first heavy frost.
She had brought her red & pink geraniums inside season after season...
I think they were over 8 years old when we started helpiing her!
Each Fall we helped her relocate her back-step-beauties.
Pauline's geraniums~
Flowers always remind me of special hearts.

Wishing you a wonderfully creative weekend~


  1. When I had my needlework shop in Wisconsin (Stitches), the built-in planters outside my door were always planted with a riot of red geraniums. I did one remodel in the shop during its lifetime, painting the walls that wonderful green, with a geranium wallpaper border along the top of the wall. It was truly my happy place. So, now you won't be too shocked to learn that I ADORE this piece.
    I love everything you create, my friend.

  2. LOVE and thank you for sharing, Donna <3
    How fun it would have been to meet you in your happy place~ your needlework shop. Will is in Wisconsin as I write and is in LOVE with every inch of it. They are on their Spring Concert Tour with choir. His professor/choir director is from Madison Wisconsin~
    How we love this great land of ours & the lovely friends we meet! Thank you, Sweet Friend!
