Saturday, February 13

Flow Blue Punch Needle Heart

"Flow Blue Valentine" Copyright 2016 Michelle L. Palmer
It had to be blue~
How I LOVE vintage flow blue!
The fourth of my Valentine hearts.
How much fun I have with punch needle!

If you punch and would like the pattern,
I have added it to my Etsy shop with the other three.
A new collection for Springtime is in the works...
I will begin sharing them soon <3 p="">

Wishing your heart happiness~
On Valentine's Day & every day!


  1. Dear Michelle,
    again a beautiful pieces is created by you!
    Many hugs,
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  2. Beautiful colors and design; I do not know what punch needle is though.

  3. Soooo pretty, my friend! Love all the beauty you create!
    Big Hugs,

  4. BLUEtiful Blue Heartthrob. Your work is stunning!

  5. That is really a beautiful piece. I love the color......

  6. Michelle,
    What a stunning piece!! Love flow blue also :)!

  7. Thank you, Sweet Friends! Flow blue is my favorite hobby... so thankful to live where there is an abundance of it. I love the little shards we find when we garden. Broken pieces were tossed to the soil.
    Hope you have a great week! Michelle
