Thursday, November 26

Thanksgiving Fraktur

Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with wonderful memories~

I first learned about Fraktur in college...

Definition of FRAKTUR

:  a German style of black letter
often not capitalized :  a Pennsylvania German document (as a birth or wedding certificate) that is written in calligraphy and illuminated with decorative motifs (as tulips, birds, and scrolls)

True Fraktur is beautiful~
My sketchbooks are filled with these little sketches.
My notebooks from college (especially the non-art classes)
have simple designs influenced by Fraktur in the borders!

Happy Thanksgiving, Sweet Friends!


  1. A fabulous and beautifully designed Thanksgiving page. I hadn't heard of Fraktur font before - it's lovely.

  2. I love it too~and now you've inspired me to do some of my own.....
    On a little different note-I was just visiting my favorite fabric store-O'Susannah's. I was showing them my bag in Haute Handbags mag, and they asked if I could do a class sometime. Then they mentioned that YOU had just done a class in fabric painting! I wish I had known! I would have been there....I told the lady that I knew you-which really is a fib in a big way-except for knowing you from years of blogging! So, I'm sorry I fibbed (lied), -I guess I let ole pride get me!!!(Probly just my real self coming to the surface!!!)
    Sorry 'bout this long comment...Love ya.
