Thursday, April 23

Earth Day & Today~

I always try to sneak in a nature walk on Earth Day.
We had grey skies yesterday... nobody told the flowers!
They were just as happy & brilliant as always~

A true Springtime~
Color is slowly opening up.

The sweetest faces!

On a warmer day the pussy willows would be humming with bees!

This is today.
It looks like fairy dust!

Angry fairy dust~

My dad always called late Spring snow,
"Poor man's fertilizer."
(Every little bit of Nitrogen helps)
I think he was trying to find the silver lining~
When the flowers are ready for warmth... so am I!

Wishing you a beautiful day, Sweet Friends~


  1. Blue and yellow.....nothing goes better in nature than those two colors! Maybe that's why the Daffs and Violets are blooming at the same time....The snow threw me a little but I like your dad's philosophy on it. Great pics! Thanks for sharing!

  2. The snow looks beautiful on the flowers, like frosting or yes, fairy dust.
    Great pictures.
    Hugs Janice
