Monday, February 23

Bunnies promising Spring~

The snow keeps falling...
The temps keep dropping...

The days are getting longer!
Spring promises to be on time~

Hope your week is off to a great start!

A little nibble of chocolate to start Monday off right!

Sweet visits from friends passing by...

Hearts sharing...

Bunny loves wanting to hang up the scarf & hat for a few months!

A song in your heart...

A hop in your step!
Wishing your hearts all this and so much more~


  1. Lovely bunnies! I can't wait to see them nibbling in the garden. Your artwork is so beautiful and unique. It brings memories of budding trees and green grass. I can hardly wait until Spring!

  2. These are all so dear! Lovely and delicate work!

  3. Precious little Easter Bunnies and their fun little antics.

  4. I love them! I didn't see them in your etsy you have any of them to sell?? Thanks.

  5. Michelle ~ these are wonderful!!!

    Stay warm, doreen

  6. Hello friend! I love your art-it makes me smile! I saw a few of your little fabric pretties at my fav quilt shop near here-it made me smile, because unexpectedly, I turned a corner in the stacks of fabric, and I was 'face to face' with your art!
    I can see signs of spring-and hear it in the birds' songs! Yea!

  7. These are all so sweet, Michelle!!

  8. These bunnies are adorable, really really cute. I love them.

    Carpet cleaning Ealing

  9. Hi Michelle, do you mind telling me what you draw the bunnies etc on the fabric with? Will they be okay being washed? Your work is beautiful!!!
