Saturday, May 24

Bird song~

With the first peek of light... the choir started!
Singing from their nests!
Tucked in the eaves troughs... singing.
Waiting on limbs for their chances at the feeder... singing.
Perched on the feeders... singing!
Peeking out of their birdhouses... singing!
Hopping through the lawn searching for worms---
singing to their babies, "breakfast is on the way!"

Good Morning, Friends! Hope your day is off to a musical start~


  1. This is one of my favorite quotes...and your little bird is so cute. You inspire me!

  2. Yes I stared my day with Kookaburra's singing. Birds are beautiful.
    Hugs kay

  3. In the morning and in the evening there are blissful birdies singing. So very tweet...

  4. what a delightful little bird. I love your work and follow your blog. I have it on my fav page. I like your birds best and I have tried to draw the ones in your header.

  5. I love the little bird, I like your birds best of all. I have tried to draw the ones in your header. I have followed your blog for some time and have it in my favorites
