Tuesday, April 8

Wasp Nest~

The remaining piece of our large wasp nest fell sometime in the night~
I was out gathering it up in between raindrops!

Absolutely amazing...

Built in tiers...
Layer after layer of perfect construction.
My husband always says, "Measure twice, cut once..." 
These winged friends do not carry a ruler~

Safe inside an over-sized storage bag~
Just in case there are sleeping wings still inside...
Not sure anything could still be alive after our long-frigid-winter!

A photo from last Fall...
Once the leaf canopy was gone the rain, frost, ice & snow
began wearing it down little by little.
With nobody home to keep it in tip-top shape it began to wither away.

Wonder if they will return soon?
Last year they were in a tree next door~

Hope your week is off to a great start!


  1. The wasp nest is an artistic sculpture, very attractive in its exactness.

  2. goodness... i hope that you arent tormented by these winged devils. we have a few that come around the cat food.... i dont like them, very unpredictable things

  3. I am always intrigued by the amount of detail in fallen wasp nests ~ a sculpture in itself! It is like fallen bird nests ~such beauty ♥

  4. OH my I do hope you don't have a nest like this again. Amazing though to see one up close like you shared with us but that's the only way I want to see one like this. lol
    I wanted to come by and say hello and to see what beautiful pieces your working on now.
