Thursday, January 2

Muslin & whiskers...

Love... love.. love~
Hope your New Year is filled with LOVE!

I'm not speedy in my crafting... each piece stitched by hand~
My sister shared one of her sewing machines so that I could make larger pieces.
I tried.
I tried a 2nd time.
I tried again.
I tried with a happy heart.
I returned her machine and smiled all the way home.
EVEN MORE respect for all who enjoy their sewing machines!

Tippy is fine with hand-stitching!

Adoring eyes... thankful for the warm lap~
(I'm just as thankful!)

Tippy and I wish you a creative, happy, healthy and JOY-filled New Year!


  1. I'm sure Tippy would not like the whirrr of the sewing machine. Enjoy what you are doing.
    Hugs Kay

  2. Sewing machines are for putting hems up,crafting with love comes from your hands and heart.

    From one none sewing machine sewer to another.
    Lova Faye

  3. I use my sewing machine a lot, but my heart lies with hand stitching. Unfortunately I no longer have a warm furry lap warmer.

  4. I so agree with you about hand sewing plus you can take it with you. You can't take your sewing machine. I have one, but it is in the case a lot more then it is used. I am anxious to see what you are going to do with the hearts. Have a wonderful day stay safe and warm. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  5. Dear Michelle - sometimes a machine can get in the way of just simple stitching. Your Tippy looks very content to sit with you. May you two have a very Happy New Year as well.

  6. Your comments made my heart smile! Now to figure out how to walk on the treadmill and stitch at the same time ;) (giggle)
    Happy New Year, Dear Friends!

  7. Hello!!!
    Happy New Year!
    Just found your Lovely blog and I linked up to your pinterest too!
