Tuesday, December 10

Original watercolors to celebrate all of this snow!

This little bashful elephant would like to share a little sprig of mistletoe~

Little owl has his wings on his hips declaring, "I'm king of the mountain!"

On the most blustery days... brilliant red Cardinals show up at the feeders
appearing like a bright tail light!

Sweet, vintage tones on this meadow friend...

Meadow visits...

I think this little Cardinal is going to try for king of the mountain!
Look out, little owl!

Do hope you are safe and warm, Sweet Friends!


  1. Hi Michelle, Your work is awesome and I love your little red bird. I always adore looking at your art work. It is warmer right now then it has been all day long. Have a wonderful day. Take care. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend.

  2. Precious drawings with beautiful watercolors. December Delights...

  3. Sounds like you are freezing where you live.
    I'm sending warm hugs.

  4. Your artwork is beautiful. What a lovely way to spend a snowy day. We don't have snow in our little corner of Alabama but it was 20 degrees this morning. That's COLD for us!

    I love your blog. I just found it today. Imagine! But I'm signing up as a follower and look forward to all your new posts.

  5. So beautiful and whimsical - I so wish my little cold cardinals were wearing your snuggly mufflers!!!! Chilly here but no snow yet - hopefully a dusting for Christmas.

    Happiest of holidays to you Michelle.
    Hugs, Mary

  6. These are so precious and such a delight for the eyes. Hope you are having a lovely day.

  7. I have not seen you for a while and so glad I visited to see your lovely cards!
    Merry to you!

  8. questi disegni sono stupendi, mi ricordi molto miss Potter.
    quali colori usi ? Acquerelli ?

