Saturday, November 30

Vintage Baby Dresses...

Teddy bears love to model for me...


It was perfect on her!
It is available in my Etsy Shop with the other vintage dresses~

Vintage dresses are becoming more and more difficult to find...

I think Alaina & I discovered some of these when we were visiting family
in Arizona last May!

Little ribbons of detail...

Getting ready for the Christmas tree!

Hope your weekend is filled with wonderful memories & love~

Friday, November 29

Snowman Art~

The Thanksgiving storm brought us a blanket of white...
Heavy, wet snow that brought down many limbs~
PERFECT snow for making meadow friends!

I stayed indoors until the storm passed...
With shovel in hand I tried to shovel the slush-snow~

Not a lot of energy to build a real snowman after all that lifting!
So I took the easy way out~

With ink & fabric~
I filled my studio with snow-friends!

...or in the warm studio!
Just added these little friends & more to my Etsy shop.

The sweetest of Winter dreams~
Hope your days are filled with wonder!

Thursday, November 28

Tuesday, November 26

Christmas watercolor originals...

They begin as sketches in my journals~
I may have drawn them onto fabric in black ink...

A completely different little character when color is added!
When the light is good & my eyes are 'feeling good' I love to paint.

(Glazing color/texture to my stocking...)

Once the base color is dry I like to layer 'glaze' additional colors for texture...

Here I am softening the texture & edge so my stocking doesn't appear flat.

Adding a few deeper tones will push the edges back & fluff up this mouse nest!

Hope you are staying safe in this winter storm!
Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday~

Sunday, November 17

Needle felted team...

Needle felted songbirds in a football huddle!
Waiting for a few more colors...

Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday, Sweet Friends!

Thursday, November 14

Little watercolors~

Just sharing a peek!

My favorite way to build snowmen...

My toes stay warm...

The only rosy cheeks are the ones I decide to paint~

Sweet little frames turn them into the perfect gifts!
I will be adding these & more to my 2nd Etsy shop~

Hope you're having a nice evening, Sweet Friends!

Tuesday, November 12

My studio desk...

That moment when your desk looks like a squirrels nest...
Or that you may have left the window open on a windy Fall day!
Time to clean...

Making room for new messes!
Tomorrow the desk will be covered in wool~
All different shades of "songbirds!"

Hope your desk is full of fun projects, too!

Monday, November 11

Sunday, November 10

Needle Felted Hedgehogs

 Little needle felted hedgehogs are all dressed for winter in their stormy sky tones!
On the back of a goose!

They don't want to dip a tiny toe in the chilly waters!

Gorgeous Wensleydale, Cotswold & Border Leicester curly locks~
In tones of the gorgeous November skies...

Just added these little ones to my Etsy shop!

Each with their own name and their own wooden (vintage spool) perch!

Pretty shades of Fall...

The clouds with a peach lining~
Within an hour or so the sky was deep purple~ steel gray~ dark plum!

Hot tea, thick blankets and movies!
Hope your day is filled with cozy, too~

Friday, November 8

Snowman & Woolly Bear

Little woolly bear love is trying to convince my snow-friend that
Winter is going to be LONG and COLD!
Great news for her frozen figure~
I was waiting for the first snow of the season to add it to my 2nd Etsy Shop...
Flurries were flying today!

Oh joy! Winter!
Ooodles of new pen & ink snowmen will be in my Etsy shop over
the next several days... along with teddy bears, snowbirds, snow bunnies, 
winter mice... snow things, snow stuff~ you know...... ;)
I have started some small watercolors to add to my
2nd Etsy shop... similar themes!
It's that time of year~ when all things glitter and glow~
 All things love and hope~

Wishing you a joy-filled season!

Sunday, November 3

Watercolor Sketchbook...

My favorite part of walking 3 miles/day...
All the treasures there are to gather!
Sometimes the 'find' is heavy & it becomes part of the workout~
(Probably not often enough!)

Some-days there isn't a find~
It's a moment in time.
We had our 1st killing frost rather late this year. 
All had plenty of time to gather & harvest, enjoy tender flowers and prepare.
Not even a slight breeze that morning.
The air was crisp and still~
A single row of petite trees, once covered with golden leaves, caught my eye.
Only a few leaves were still tacked above...
The remainder had fallen in a perfect golden circle around the base of each tree.

 This pretty find was yellow when I pressed it... a non-poisonous leaf-of-three! 
I cannot identify it yet.
My friend Mary Lou thought it looked like an Ash...

It is a Black Ash!
Also known as "Hoop, Swamp, Basket & Brown Ash"
Prefers cool, swampy habitats. Seldom thrives on dry ground.
Along the canal is the perfect home for her~

I wasn't sure of these leaves... nothing we have in our yard.

With a bit of research they appear to be White Mulberry leaves...

As with snowflakes~ no two are alike!
Our Maples are dropping pounds of seeds this year~
The flower beds and gardens will be stuffed with mini Maple trees in the Springtime.

Not the same size as the 'actual size' but certainly the same wing shape...

That's a match!

Beautiful rose hips are spotted along the paths~
Bright red and teasing me to gather!
I tip-toed through a poison ivy patch to gather these...
They looked so rich compared to the ones that were EASY to gather!
(Isn't that how it always is?)

I have not finished my sketch for the pretty berries...
Too busy trying to identify some new finds.
I'll find a fresh sprig and work on that after I finish up some special orders~
Mix in a little work with play...
Mix in a little play with work! (giggle)

Hope your path is filled with wonderful treasures, Sweet Friends!