Wednesday, October 16

They need a hat & scarf, too!

Extra blankets on the bed...
Storm windows down...
Snow shovels at the doors...

The winds are shifting and the cold winds are moving in~

Little friends are at the feeder with their feathers all fluffed up!
I'm sure they're chatting about the hayrides they have been flying over~
Little ones gathering their pumpkins...
Munching on juicy apples!

I've started adding new pen & ink treasures to my Etsy Shop~
Little friends dressed for Winter and Holiday celebrations!
Little owl would like to add her star to the top of the Christmas tree~

This little fella looks as if he is dressed for Thanksgiving travels!

Not rushing our beautiful days & seasons along...
Making little treasures available for your gift-making projects and decorating!

Thank you for stopping by, Sweet Friends~
Wishing you joy!


  1. These are adorable.

  2. they give me that childhood sense of joy looking at them

  3. Your illustrations would be beautiful in a children's book about the joy of giving. I can just see all of the birds and squirrels and chipmunks bringing gifts for the baby Jesus :)

  4. Darling, wee lovelies!
    Sending hugs and joy your way...

  5. Each of your comments make my heart so happy! Books are in the works, Starr~ do hope to have these sweet little friends sharing their smiles <3
    Thank you!!
