Monday, October 21

Needle felted Chickadees~

Beak to beak...

Heart to heart~

My little needle felted Chickadees needed a place to perch~
I have things saved.
It is a good thing to save---- it is a bad thing.
This time is was great fun!

I pulled out one of my sketch books that is filled with different patterns~
Just started burn-sketchin' on the spools!

I wonder what they talk about while I'm poking and jabbing at them?

Hope your week is off to a wonderful start!


  1. I think these have to be the sweetest things you've ever created! I adore chickadees - my favourite little treasures that visit our birdfeeder every day. They are so inquisitive and have absolutely no fear of us.

  2. I have just found your blog and I love your drawings and your felted birds.
    Hugs from Australia

  3. Oh Michelle these are wonderful! Seeing all your needle-felted work is inspiring me to try it. I don't think mine would turn out anywhere near as good as yours but you sure make it look fun! You are one talented lady. Have a great week!! ~Jenn

  4. Your little birdies are just the cutest things!

  5. Michelle..these are WONDERFUL!!!! I love needle-felting tho my end results look nothing like these lovely little ones!

    hugs, doreen

  6. Such cutie-pies...I can almost hear them chittering to one another.
    Hugs ...

  7. Thank you, Sweet Friends!
    Your comments make my heart smile!!

    I have discovered that needle felting is much like painting to me. Certain brushes have a purpose for me. In felting--- there are different needles for different fibers. I haven't taken notes to be able to teach any of that just yet... but as I learn new 'tricks' I keep all of my needles & sizes available when I am working. All felting is beautiful... I know the pieces that each of you are making are absolutely dear!!

  8. Michelle - these are so delightful. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a beautiful weekend.

  9. I LOVE these chickadees. Do you sell the pattern to make these? My husband died this past July and he always called me his "Chickadee" .... so they made me smile.
    diane @ thoughts and shots
