Tuesday, October 29

Homemade Walnut Ink Tutorial

My batch of Walnut Ink was a grand success!
Goodness, I am in love!!
The most beautiful ink~

I have kept my ink 100% natural so far... have not added a mordant.
Just having a great time drawing, sketching~ experimenting with its richness!

These little friends are all drawn with the ink and my favorite dip pen...

I added touches of watercolor to a few of them...

She needed that little sweater this morning!
Our first killing frost~ the 2013 growing season is over.
It was a long & bountiful harvest!

Walnut ink & this beautiful blue look so very sweet together~

So here is the 2nd part of my Walnut Ink process!
Outside... because I'm grand at making a mess & the ink WILL STAIN.

I scooped out some of the chunky pieces first. 

Bowl that strainer will sit nicely in...

Add several layers of cheese cloth to the strainer.

Pour and allow the ink to filter through!

Keeping every precious drop!

Look at that color!!!
Putting the ink into air tight containers...

Time to play!!!

A few different glass pens & the sample of their quality~
My treasured gold pen at the bottom!

As I was simmering the ink I took color samples...
This picture illustrates the ink strength!

I am so glad I saw Sharyn Sowell's video about making Walnut Ink.
It was an simple process... the house smelled like a damp forest (mossy!) and
the results are absolutely amazing! GORGEOUS color, FANTASTIC quality!

Small, framed, walnut ink sketches are in my Etsy Shop~
I have several made to share as housewarming gifts, hostess and teacher gifts!
Time to think about Christmas gifts...
It's cold enough to think snow!

Hope you're having a wonderful day, Sweet Friends!


  1. You make it all look like magic...and fun!

  2. This is so cool, and your drawings are beautiful and delicate. My parents have black walnut trees in the yard and I wish I was home now to make my own walnut ink! Very inspiring, thank you for sharing :)

  3. Hello!
    My son and I made walnut ink about 10 years ago. I never added anything to it-just sealed the jar good. It's perfectly fine still. I love your drawings, and the ones with the touch of color are very lovely.
    Love ya!

  4. I think it is so cool that you've made your own ink! The color saturations are wonderful!
