Thursday, October 10

Giveaway Time!

THANK YOU to over 1,000+ followers on my blog!
I'm so glad you're here to visit~ Thank you for so many wonderful comments, too.
The needle felted pumpkin in the above photograph is our
latest giveaway treasure! Simply leave a comment on this post &
your name will be put in the 'bucket' for a chance to win!
Name will be pulled on Monday, October 14th, Columbus Day~

Getting ready to list these needle felted beauties in my Etsy Shop...
We have not had frost on our living pumpkins yet~
I'm sure it is just around the corner!

Colors are beginning to pop!

Pumpkin seems to be a main ingredient in most of our desserts...

I had Christmas music on the other day... (I know, too soon!)
'Chestnuts roasting on an open fire~' was playing over and over in my mind~
I think it is because I was gathering walnuts to cook & reduce down to make ink!!

I've shared that songs pop into my mind when I working... that do/don't relate,
BUT SOMEHOW TRIGGER & stick with me until I play something new!
Once I heard a few different songs AND 'Chestnuts roasting...' I was all good again~

Do hope you like my little needle felted treasures~
Thank you~
Thank you~
Thank you~
It is a JOY to meet each of you here!

Hope you have a wonderful day~


  1. What a lovely pumpkin! please count me in your giveaway

  2. I love little pumpkins and this one is adorable! Thanks so much for the chance to win it! :0)

  3. Congratulations on your 1,000+ followers.
    How exciting!
    You do some Beautiful work.
    Love the pumpkin.
    I would Love to be entered in your give away!

  4. Didn't realise you had a fab blog as well as you facebook page :-) Congrats on 1000 likers - that is a fab achievement! I would love a little pumpkin in my house :-) x

  5. these little pumpkins are so cute.. i love mine

  6. Oh how I love autumn and pumpkins! Please enter me in your generous giveaway to win this beauty!
    Blessings, Patti

  7. I am so glad to have discovered you and you incredible talents! Fall has become my favorite season, and your pumbkins are just lovely!

  8. Pumpkins are my favorite! I was gifted one of your little sketched treasures by a friend and I just love your work. Congrats on 1000+ followers. I'm one now too. Smiles, Nan

  9. WONDERFUL work. You are so blessed to have these talents and good taste!
    Keep it up!

  10. Love it, Michelle. Going to announce the give away on my facebook page for you :)

  11. Beautiful pumpkins! Love the idea of needle felting them... Happy fall!

  12. Huge congrats from me too Michelle. Your little pumpkins are simply the colours.
    Annie x

  13. New blog follower but I've been following you ever since I saw your artwork on Karen Torres' (Sewmuch2luv) project bags. Happy Fall to you and thank you for the chance in your giveaway!

    Hands On Design

  14. Awww I love this little pumpkin !! and i love all your Works! <3 =^_^= hope i can participate even though I live on Italian <3 Thanks for this opportunity ! Anny

  15. I love your work! Please enter me in your giveaway.

  16. Your little pumpkin is adorable and every time I see the pictures of the walnuts it makes me think about when we would gather them. I don't know if the squirrels are going to leave me any here or not. I love all of art work. I enjoy watching it come alive. I would love to win the pumpkin. It is to be drawn the day I have eye surgery. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  17. The little pumpkins are just darling! Ink from walnuts? Who knew?

  18. Oh my goodness, thats just the sweetest little pumpkin! I'd love to put it on the mantle in our cottage in France. Congratulations on your 1000+ followers, awesome achievement.

  19. Lovely pumpkins!!! Take my congrats with 1000 followers!!!

  20. What a darling pumpkin, and a kind and generous giveaway!
    Happy Autumn to you!

  21. Oh my gosh, I'm in love with that wee Congrats on the followers! Amy

  22. Bravo pour tous ce que vous faites, j Adore!!! Et je participe a votre succès des 1000 suiveurs....
    Belle journée créative
    Nadine from France

  23. I LOVE your pumpkins! Fall is my favorite the leaves, pumpkins, apples...... I framed my "Tall Oaks From Little Acorns Grow"! Love all of your "work"! Please enter me in your 1000+ followers giveaway. I'd love to win your pumpkin!

  24. Your work is absolutely amazing! I have a project bag made my Karen Torres with a little birdie and scripture on it. "Be Still and Know that I am GOD". I love it beyond words! It's my favorite scripture and I love birdies! Thank you for my little bird friend and thank you for the giveaway!

  25. ...thanks for adding me to your drawing for the darling little felted pumpkin; I love your long stems!!! The stems are as important as the size, shape and color of the pumpkins!

  26. I am pumpkin crazy this Fall! And yours is just too cute! I would be thrilled to win it my friend! Off to look at Etsy. I'm so glad I have a few pieces of your beautiful art! Sweet hugs!

  27. Hello :-) I would love a chance to win the beautiful pumpkin..
    I have been listening to Christmas music here while I clean this last week.. My family thinks I am a little bonkers but I have been enjoying it :-)
    Have a wonderful day! Hugs Melissa

  28. Hi Michelle, oh how I'd love to win that precious felted pumpkin. All of your artwork is so delightful!! Congrats on 1000+ followers, wow!

  29. Please enter my name, I love both needle felting and pumpkins. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

  30. Please consider me in your giveaway! My children and I are beginning waldorf homeschooling, and this sweet little pumpkin would make a wonderful addition to our seasonal nature table!

  31. Fall is here and now a chance to win your beautiful little pumpkin!!! What could be better!!! Congrats on 1,000 followers!!!

  32. YES, I love your little felt pumpkins! I hope one will come to my home to live with me :) Thank you for a chance to win one!

  33. Your little pumpkins are so cute! Please count me in!

  34. I love your pumpkin creations. Please enter my name in your bucket.

  35. Me! Me! Me! I love the little pumpkin! Count me in please! Thanks!

  36. You are one talented lady. Love your felt creations as much as your drawings. I look at my little framed bee everyday in amazement.

  37. I have quite few of your pieces and cherish them all. Thanks for this chance to win a beautiful pumpkin.

  38. Adorable felted pumpkins. Every year we have free hot roasted Chestnuts for visitors at our Victorian Christmas celebration in our little town. It is a tradition. Congratulations on 1000+ followers and offering your precious pumpkin to a new home. Thank you...

  39. Love that precious little pumpkin! Me wants!!!

  40. Congrats on all of the followers! You are an inspiration to us all. I just love everything you create! Thanks for sharing your talent with us!

  41. What a delightful little pumpkin. Loving your work. A delight to follow you.

  42. Such a sweet wee plumpkin! We were out for lunch yesterday and had pumpkin and fennel was SO good (first time I've had pumpkin soup). Found a recipe on the 'net and now we're going to try making our own.

  43. What a sweet pumpkin ~ I would love to have a chance!

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. love the felted pumpkin and all your art!

  46. A huge congratulations on 1000, Wow! Your pumpkins are super cute. x

  47. Thank you for so many SWEET and wonderful comments!!!
    You make my heart so happy~

    Our giveaway winner is Shirley!

    Another giveaway coming soon!
