Wednesday, July 10

Seashells & Sandpipers

Hello, Sweet Friends!
Do hope you are having some sunny days at the shore~
We have been enjoying day after day of rain.
Do wish we had a way to share some with those of you praying for rains!

"Seashells & Sandpipers"
A new print available now from my 2nd Etsy Shop!
Seashells & Sandpipers was featured for June 2013 in my calendar
"Outside My Window" with Legacy Publishing Group

This is a peek at one corner of my little studio...
I have a corner cabinet that this antique cheese box sits on~
Filled with larger shells and gorgeous starfish.
I love to gather favorite things for still life studies!
Add two feathered friends...

Wishing you all the best!


  1. Oh how I love this Seashells and Sandpipers picture you have drawn. It is so lovely.
    I would give anything to live near the ocean. It would make my heart sing.
    Can't wait for the mail man to bring me your illustrations. I know I am going to love them.
    I tried to do a post about them but Blogger will not let me type a post or even copy and paste one. Been having this problem for weeks now I am beginning to think I may never be able to blog again. I would hate that very much.
    Loved seeing a peek of your studio.

  2. Sweet new print,The esscence of summer captured perfectly.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  3. I have something going on at my house you would love! A pair of wrens have built a nest in one of our flower we are carefully watering and I'm going to be watching! I enjoyed this scene in all month in June. (I had never seen a shell like the "puffy one" until last summer. I now have 2 of them!) Best wishes...

  4. Your comments bring my heart joy! Grandma Yellow Hair I hope you can blog soon :) Amy~ thank you, Sweet Friend & BJR... Oh how I wish I was a butterfly in your yard~ able to swoop in and take a peek at your Wren friends!!
