Sunday, July 14

Garden Friends~

Remember the song by ABBA... "Dancing Queen?"
I emailed this photograph to a sweet friend and she wrote back
sharing that the bee looked as if it were dancing on the flower!
How sweet they are to see and hear around our gardens~
Yesterday was a chorus of bees!

Red Admiral was very patient while I took oodles of pictures on our Sweet Peas~
The Trumpet Vine and Sweet Peas are participating in some form of
Garden Olympics! Each climbing to the top of a nearby baby Maple tree!
With all the rain, heat & humidity... who will reach the top first?!

Hope your day is filled with pleasant visitors~


  1. Hi Michelle

    Really cute pictures. The bee does look like he is dancing.

    Have a great day.


  2. Hello dear friend!
    I actually petted a bumblebee yesterday! I was a little nervous at first, but my curiosity got the better of me, and I did it! They are really as fuzzy as they look. He didn't even try to sting, or get mad at me. Perhaps I was just lucky that time, but I would like to try it again!
    Wow-HOT, huh? My hubby and I are thinking of going to the Bouckville sale in August. Do you go too? It's the 12th-18th....
    Love, Debra

  3. Dear Michelle - I love those bumble bees. Your pictures are lovely too. Lots of painting ideas in these two photos I am sure. Have a great week.

  4. Thank you, Sweet Friends!
    Our little furry friends have been enjoying these hot, dry days~ (so have we!) :)
    Debra!! Courage... and HOW COOL!! Alaina and I went to Madison/Bouckville for the show 3 years ago and have tried to make it back... maybe this year! Would be sweet to meet you :)

    It would be fun to paint our dancing bee... hmmmm! ;)
