Monday, June 10


Mmmmmm... how I wish you could smell them~

Before the rain moved in...
Camera & I were off to the Peonies!

So delicate...

The ants seemed shy this morning~
Perhaps worn out from their first 12 photo shoots!
To live in an artists yard...

My camera does not like to photograph this color~

Each outer petal~ a heart...

We have to move this plant~
Maple tree roots & shade prevent them from doing well.

A bouquet of beauties to share with you this Monday morning~
Hope you have a wonderful week, Sweet Friends!


  1. Peonies are such a pretty flower, they are hard to beat!

  2. I love peonies so much and they smell heavenly!!

  3. Can't wait to see what you paint from these beauties!

  4. Love peonies, they are so abundant and beautiful with all those lovely heart shaped petals! Mine are just about to come out, can't wait! Lovely photographs Michelle, thanks for sharing! Deb

  5. Gorgeous. I don't have whites or light pinks but having seen your beauties, I hope to find some to plant!
