Tuesday, June 18

Giveaway Time!

Giveaway time!
Greeting cards featuring my watercolor images~
Collection of ten cards.

Most of these cards are designed using my calendar images~
Another beautiful product from Legacy Publishing Group!

I added a tiny signature near my name on the back of each card~

Please leave a comment here sharing your favorite occasion to
give a card & your name will be put in the bucket to win these!
This giveaway is also posted on my Facebook page~
If you comment there, your name will be put in a 2nd time!

Hope your day is off to a wonderful start!


  1. Dear Michelle!
    I like all occasions.
    Love your all work:)

  2. "Thinking of You" cards are my very favorite to send. Thanks for thinking of US with this sweet giveaway Michelle!!

  3. I often send birthday cards, but I want to get into a better habit of sending a card for no reason. Just for the person to get a sweet card out of the blue! :)

  4. Gorgeous cards Michelle!
    My favourite cards to send are what I call "just because" ... just because I'm thinking of you :-)
    Thank you for this generous giveaway♥

  5. Your cards are just beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win some! I like to send cards just to put a smile in someone's day! :0)

  6. Your cards are so beautiful! I like your work.
    Thanks for the chance.

  7. My favorite occasion is really no occasion at all. I usually hear a little whisper in my heart that lets me know someone needs an encouraging type of message. Your beautiful cards are perfect for such an occasion.

    Hugs and smiles,
    Deb oxo

  8. Oh My! What Beautiful cards.
    You certainly have a gift.
    I Love giving cards for Birthdays!
    Thanks for the wonderful Giveaway!


  9. They're stunning, Michelle!

    I love sending birthday cards and take time and care over selecting just the right card for a person. Sometimes funny, sometimes sweet.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  10. Mostly I send birthday cards, but a card is perfect for any occasion.

  11. I love send for no particular reason :)

  12. Your cards are beautiful Michelle,
    I send mostly Birthday Cards.

  13. My favorite is just the surprise thinking of you card. Always brightens someone's day. Warm Blessings! Amy

  14. My favorite time is anytime as I love to send "thinking of you" cards just to brighten someone's day. Thank you for offering your cards. Blissful...

  15. I suppose any occasion that you want someone to know that you have been thinking of them, that you care, that you want them to know that they matter to you---I like sending cards on those occasions. And despite people saying they may be "too old" to celebrate birthdays, they still enjoy being remembered. Your work is beautiful Michelle.

  16. How sweet! I send out a lot of birthday cards.

  17. Thank you for having a giveaway for your darling cards!!!
    i love to give cards, just because, to cheer someone up and just because!

  18. So many sweet comments! It is wonderful to know that so many of us still send paper greetings. A few lines on a little note is a sure way to brighten a day!
    Another giveaway is coming soon!
    Harriet Hicks won this greeting card collection~ THANK YOU all for visiting and taking the time to leave a kind word! Smiles to all!

  19. Мишель! С большой радостью поиграю! Открытки восхитительны!

  20. I'd love for you to enter me. I just love your art and this would be a very special gift!!!! Thanks for giving these to someone.

  21. I love your drawings!!!
    I love these cards!!
    I am very glad having a chance))))

    Thank you!

  22. Oh how exciting! I would be SO thrilled to win these. I send a lot of cards and letters every year. I would want to keep these though! I like to send a card when someone doesn't expect it...a surprise card to brighten someone's day! Thanks sweet friend!

  23. Amazing generous giveaway. I hope I am not too late in entering.
    My favorite card giving is usually Birthdays but with these any holiday. lol
