Thursday, May 2

Yellow & Blue Watercolor

My newest bits n' pieces watercolor is ready for color!
Blue & Yellow

My studio smells heavenly~~~~

These little shards are from our garden...
Like finding gold to me!

On a wee little child's tea set plate~

While I'm eager to paint these little treasures another
load of laundry is ready for the line~

More to come soon!


  1. You are a true artist, finding shards in your garden and appreciating their beauty.
    I found a lost old gnome in my garden yesterday, just his feet sticking out so I rescued him.
    Not a real live gnome. LOL

  2. I love the treasures I unearth here too. I always wish they were not broken, and I can't help but think about who it was that owned the dish, or crock.
    I admire your precise drawings as much as the finished paintings.
