Saturday, May 11


It has become chilly after two weeks of mid 70's and warm breezes~
The windows are closed so the 8 bouquets of Lilacs have filled
our home with Mmmmmmm beautiful fragrance!

We have many varieties around the yard...

Some are very fragrant~
Others, not so much...

We were thankful the storms didn't bring strong winds & hail!

I started most of our trees & hedgerows from existing trees,
Some are from my childhood yard, few are from friends yards.
I found a few little tiny plants at the Lilac Festival in Rochester.
The wee little ones that pop up beside the lichen-covered elder can
be dug up with care, transplanted & in few years you will have blossoms!

Wish I could add a scratch n' sniff button to my blog...

Thank you for stopping by to enjoy the flowers!
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!


  1. Lilacs are my favorite flower...we have one and it produced a lot of blooms this year...but they weren't very fragrant. I wish you could add a scratch n' sniff button too!

  2. Don't you just love the lilacs, ours are just starting. I can hardly wait to have a vase full. !

  3. I have enjoyed this post about your sweet lilac blossom. I can see your painting is inspired by such beauty. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog.
